itSM Articles
Reference Guides, Communities, Videos & Case Studies
itSM Mentor FREE self-study reference guides, communities, videos & case studies provide students with information that will improve their career in IT Service Management (ITSM).
Most self-study documents qualify for the Axelos continuing education credits and may qualify for PMI and ISACA credits that certification institutes and employers require to maintain ones employment and certification status in the marketplace.
Practice areas include:
– IT Service Management
– IT Project Management
– IT Information Security
– IT Network Engineering
IT Service Management (ITSM)
Reference Model for the Adoption and Adaption of Digital Service Management Best Practices
This paper describes how the itSM Solutions reference model integrates five widely used service management domains to create a powerful model to guide IT in its journey into the business leadership circle. This paper originally written in 2007 and updated in 2010 aligns perfectly with the recently released Gartner Insight report on Taming the Digital Dragon
My itSM Mentoring Community is a network of ITSM Practitioners and Experts willing to share their experiences about preparing for and taking the ITIL exams
ITIL Training Guide
The itSM Solutions ITIL training guide provides students with a comprehensive overview of the ITIL along with the certification programs associated with this best practice framework.
ITSM Best Practice “How To” Guides
DITY™ guides are for IT professionals looking for practical coaching and advice on how to implement IT Service Management best practices. Through DITY™ you can acquire good practical advice on how to manage, organize, and optimize IT.
FREE ITIL Training on You Tube This is the perfect starter kit to become familar with not only ITIL concepts but also the certification programs associated with the ITIL.
ITSM (ITIL) Practitioner Alliance is a network of ITSM Practitioners willing to share their ITSM implementation and operations experience.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ITIL Training Case Study
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) shares its ITIL training journey with ITIL’s Accreditor Axelos.
Disney ITIL Training Case Study
Disney shares its ITIL training journey with ITIL’s Accreditor Axelos.
ITIL in Action Posters & Diagrams Bring your ITIL program to life through the power of visual graphics. Contact for more information.
IT Project Management
Download the SCRUM Body of Knowledge (SBOK™) Book
A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™) providing guidelines for the implementation of Scrum—the most popular Agile project management and product development methodology. It provides a comprehensive framework that includes the principles, aspects & processes of Scrum.
How to Use the SBOK Guide Video
Why Get SCRUM Certified Video
SCRUM Principles Video
SCRUM in Six Minutes Video
SCRUM Body of Knowledge (SBOK™) Glossary
SBOK™ Guide – Important Terms and Concepts
AGILE Glossary
AGILE SCRUM – Important Terms and Concepts
IT Information Security
NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity
This paper describes a voluntary Cybersecurity Framework (“Framework”) created by the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) to provide a “prioritized, flexible, repeatable, performance-based, and cost-effective approach” to manage cybersecurity risk for those processes, information, and systems directly involved in the delivery of critical infrastructure services. The Framework, developed in collaboration with industry, provides guidance to an organization on managing cybersecurity risk.View the Roadmap – This companion Roadmap to the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (“the Framework”) discusses NIST’s next steps with the Framework and identifies key areas of development, alignment, and collaboration.
The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) has evolved from the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative, and extends its scope beyond the federal workplace to include civilians and students in kindergarten through post-graduate school. The goal of NICE is to establish an operational, sustainable and continually improving cybersecurity education program for the nation to use sound cyber practices that will enhance the nation’s security
Treasury Department Report to the President on Cybersecurity Incentives Pursuant to Executive Order 13636
This report outlines an approach for policymakers to evaluate the benefits and relative effectiveness of government incentives in promoting the adoption of the eventual Framework. It seeks to identify types of situations in which private incentives may be insufficient to provide an appropriate level of cybersecurity. Then, the report reviews a set of seven potential policy options, in areas where the Treasury Department has significant experience or expertise, that could be used as incentives to encourage the voluntary adoption of the Framework.5 These policy solutions, while targeted at critical infrastructure organizations, might also be applicable to a broader group of private sector participants.
IT Network Engineering
ITIL and the Cisco Certified Professional White Paper & Webinar
This white paper introduces the Cisco Certified Professional to the world of ITSM and ITIL along with providing some guidance in the areas of adding an ITIL certification to ones Cisco certification portfolio.
Watch the Webinar